I think it will be a long time before I am able to say I am proud of my birth story. Birth trauma runs deep, and the shame associated with struggling and ‘failing’ are ingrained too.
I started this blog two weeks ago, and in that time it has been the catalyst for many of my closest friends and family telling me that they are proud of me. Proud of me for turning my trauma into a triumph. Proud of me for speaking out. Proud of me for how far I’ve come. And do you know what? I’m proud that they’re proud – so I suppose I’m halfway there.
So today, I’m going to remember everything I have to proud about:
I’m proud that I managed to ask for help.
I’m proud that I have conquered my flashbacks.
I’m proud that I can now talk about my experiences without breaking down.
I’m proud of my amazing circle of family and friends who have supported me through every step.
I’m #soproud that I’m a birth trauma survivor.
